King Lear

By William Shakespeare

Directed by Tim Ocel

The Fall of the House of Lear

Lear rides in on an emotional avalanche, bearing with him perhaps the greatest of Shakespeare’s tragedies. An aloof leader learns the truth about his place in the hearts of kith and kin and lashes out with the fury of a scorned king; his rage launching events that spin out of control with increasing speed. The void left in his wake offers fertile feeding ground for the power-hungry, and a graveyard for those who oppose his whims. But within that maelstrom lives some of the Bard’s most moving verse, offering moments of sparkling oasis where hope finds its place to shine. A parable about wisdom that comes not with age, but with empathy; a deeply relevant classic best seen under the sheltering stars. Running August 9 - September 28.

Featuring Brian Mani, La Shawn Banks, Nathan Barlow, Sarah Day, Jim DeVita, Rasell Holt, Chiké Johnson, Jessica Ko, Josh Krause, Samantha Newcomb, James Ridge, Nancy Rodriguez, Ronald Román-Meléndez, Laura Rook, Triney Sandoval

Contains adult themes

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