Much Ado About Nothing

By William Shakespeare

Directed by Robert Ramirez

Love Conquers All Defense Mechanisms

For Beatrice and Benedict, wit is a full-contact sport, and each is happy to throw some elbows. But wethinks they doth protest too much. It seems love is a force they believe they’re above, even as their friends see through their comedic camouflage to what hides in their hearts. Sometimes a stubborn soul just needs that proverbial kick in the pantaloons to get out of their own way. Fun and funny, with the warmth and depth of a sultry Mediterranean sunset, offering a central couple that set the standard for rom‑coms – a perfect fit for a summer evening. Running June 14 - September 29.

Featuring Jessica Ko, Marcus Truschinski, Tim Gittings, Rasell Holt, Sam Luis Massaro, Samantha Newcomb, Greta Oglesby, Lester Purry, Ronald Román-Meléndez, James Ridge, Triney Sandoval

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